Going Nuclear

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I don't think what has happened in Japan is funny but it does my head in that it is all getting swept under the carpet, all these expert's saying "look how safe nuclear is, these old plants have suffered a huge earth quake and a devastating tsunami and the damage is minimal", no,no,no you slap heads, it's not safe, it's the exact opposite of safe, what you are left with is a huge area covered with nuclear contamination, just think what would happen if this happened in GB, we'd be fecked, and the power's that be are pushing for 20 new nuclear plants, i am not saying i have all the answer's but i can honestly say that nuclear is not the way forward, if we have a energy shortage why are we letting anybody and everybody into the UK, we also are sitting on 1000s of tons of grade 1 coal but rather than digging our own we buy it from other EU countries....

MARTIN............:mad: :mad: :mad:


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Yeah but that is just a few options, there are many other ways of producing energy that have not even been tried, let's be honest, we can't even get rid of the nuclear waste that is produced and does anybody really trust the government when they make these new plant's the contract will go to the lowest bidder, and as far as the fossil fuel thing, why don't we mine our own, we would save money and increase employment, how many people would like to live close to a nuclear plant ????????


New member
Jul 27, 2002
still dont understand why in our country one of the wetest and windy is why we dont have more windfarms.

i keep seeing comments on MSN about Japan then people say yes but no one wants unsitely windmills,

for Fecks sake is it not prettier to look at a windwill than a glowing piece of concrete that any terrorist wants to get a job at.

its a case of not on my doorstep but these wind farms could be put in parts of the country no one lives near which there is plenty of.

and for wave power arent we surrounded by water? not like we are landlocked can you imagine the amount of electric that could be produced just by placing new water fed plants near rivers that are tidal
I agree there Stuart... i live facing wind turbines and they are quite peaceful to look at, they change colour depending on the angle of the sun .....the electric company are building more just over the hill and the up roar it's causing in the village is phenomenal.... all the regular complaints such as you can hear them.... utter bollox i say

they will be moaning even more when the power runs out and they can't light up their houses like disney land at xmas

we should be investing in more, safe harmless and it will feed by complusion to count them everytime i look at them!! :D
Wind farms are still not really producing the kind of energy that is required but it is a step in the right direction and anybody who ever comes up to Scotland can tell you that there is vast amounts of green belt were nobody live's were wind farms could be placed, but there is so many different ways to make sustainable energy, we live on an island so why aren't we harnessing the power of the waves, there's also the myth that you need maximum sunlight for solar power which is a load of shit, i hope the SNP keep their pledge to be 100% renewable energy efficient by 2023...........NM


Active member
Aug 3, 2006
newton heath
We should look looking at Tesla's & Reich's work imo...

Ahhh the good old Tesla generator. In theoretical terms it's a fantastic idea. But like going faster than the speed of light, it's not going to happen. Nuclear fuel is the future imo. The only way to have sustainable energy in the future and is miles cleaner than buring fossil fuels.


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VIP Silver Member
Mar 3, 2004
I am sure i read somewhere if every house had solar panels and a wind turbine we would all be pretty much self sufficent

The country just doesnt have the stomache to do it yet as theres so much profit in power


Active member
Aug 3, 2006
newton heath

No way that works on a domestic level especially somewhere like Manchester. Every house would need big solar panels or a big wind turbine to power their houses and there would be no where to put them. Envinronmentaly friendly energy generation sounds great but it is never going to work in the real world imo.

Nuclear power is the future
No way that works on a domestic level especially somewhere like Manchester. Every house would need big solar panels or a big wind turbine to power their houses and there would be no where to put them. Envinronmentaly friendly energy generation sounds great but it is never going to work in the real world imo.

Nuclear power is the future

WE JUST NEED TO CONVERT YOU EASTY................;) ;) ;)