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Easy fella :D Understood all of that ;)

errrrm - I have always loved languages (did French, German, Latin & started Greek @ school)... however like most things unless you use it ya loose it....

But my last ex was French (she was Breton) & I was with her for 4 years so it was natural that it all came back to me....

With some small mistakes.... :axe:

The 1st time I went to stay with her parents (in Paimpol - Cote d'Amor - 22 is the plate number) her dad was washing up & I was keen to show what a lovely man I am (honest ;) ).

I wanted to say "Do you want some help ?"
(Est-ce que vous voulez que je vous aide)

What I said was:

Est-ce que vous voulez que je vous mettre

(Do you want me inside you ?)

eeeeeermmmmmm :axe: :$ :axe: :$ :axe: :$ :axe: well - he didnt say no anyways..... lolol

I was afraid that I would loose me French when we split but luckily I work in an international dept - for example my boss in germany cant speak so well English but she is fluent in French so it is easier for us to converse in French :axe:

How much background does ya gf have in French ? If its school french then I am sure that practice & confidence will help it come back... also although it isnt gramatically correct dont let her worry about tenses.... so long as the phrase is correct(ish) in the present tense then people understand... also I've found that people are very helpfull when you try to speak their language & are just very pleased that you try..... :D :D :D

Also I find written word easier than conversation because you have time to digest & understand... perhaps start her off with some French cartoons (lolol - Tin Tin & Asterix & Obelix) & then move up to films with subtitles.... (some of my most fave films are French.... le grande bleu, Elisa, Diner de cons etc)...

Most of all have fun..... :D
cheers for that mate... The problem is that she has fuck all french... and since I'm a native it is very hard for me to actually teach her....

Need to find a way cause she is wanting to learn it. She also as an aptitude for sounds. She can reproduce all the french sounds without any difficulty, and mostly first off too... and get them right! As you know there are certain sounds that are unique to french, like "ou" and "gn" and she is doing them no probs :)

All I need to do is find a way to help her learn it. I have so much to show her... A whole new culture really, and she wants to learn it and know it. she is aslready digging Cabrel, and I'm going to introduce her to Goldman this weekend :) (or next)

It is really anoying.. I should be able to just show her what is what, but since I am native, it's very hard... and since I also suffer from the bi-lingual problem that I select one language per person, then taht is an added problem.....

Do you remeber which books or things like that that you used??? and if so where they any good?


Good day my old one, how goes?

Just a question rapid... How did you learn the francais?

The reason that I demand this is that my woman wants to learn, but I am not sure how to learn for him

From www.freetranslation.com

Might help ya out m8, quite a useful site with the basics! Have used it a few times myself.
LOL That site of yours has got the gender wrong... and the structure :)

I have a professional translation program at home.

My girlfriend wants to learn the language so that I can show her all the joys of my homeland..... I normaly act as a Class A translator.. OK I have running costs so what??? ntohign that a cuddle and a good meal will not take care of :)

What I am looking for is a course that she can listen to in the caar or something like that that will teach her the basics of the language, and the rest I will teach her :)


That's a bad one, aye - you've got to be careful when using it and make sure you do the translation back to English to see how it sounds first. Certainly wouldn't have trusted it for anything like that but it's good for a laugh for winding up yer mates!