FAO Lozzie!!

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Miss C

New member
May 18, 2003
New York
So.... whats this new look you're feeling coming on?? (as announced on the old book of faces)

Hehe sorry to post on here, its just a good place for this sort of chat :) :D

And i'm also bored an confuzzed in the look department.

But what look is a good look?!!! What is lozzie feeling?!!

I'm feeling make over time again....!


Active member
Oct 5, 2004
im like herpes....never quite fcuk hoff!!!
its good to have a change a good ole revamp of the wardrobe and looks in general.....its a good excuse for a shopping spree too:thumbsup:

im a bit that way at the moment myself, need something fresh but dunno what......want a new hairdoo too, love the colour but need a style change, at the mo its ded long and ive been through the straight phase but now into the whole wavey/curley thing but getting bored of that now:rolleyes:

Miss C

New member
May 18, 2003
New York
its good to have a change a good ole revamp of the wardrobe and looks in general.....its a good excuse for a shopping spree too:thumbsup:

im a bit that way at the moment myself, need something fresh but dunno what......want a new hairdoo too, love the colour but need a style change, at the mo its ded long and ive been through the straight phase but now into the whole wavey/curley thing but getting bored of that now:rolleyes:

Yeah I don't get people who never change their look, i'm bored of looking in the mirror after a couple of years of one hair colour/do.

Oooh what are you feeling like next? Get loads of hair magazines and have a good look through... exciting stuff lol.. what colour are you now??


Active member
Sep 2, 2003
Dysfunction Junction
its good to have a change a good ole revamp of the wardrobe and looks in general.....its a good excuse for a shopping spree too:thumbsup:

im a bit that way at the moment myself, need something fresh but dunno what......want a new hairdoo too, love the colour but need a style change, at the mo its ded long and ive been through the straight phase but now into the whole wavey/curley thing but getting bored of that now:rolleyes:

chop it off! we 've already had this convo bint :D


Active member
Oct 5, 2004
im like herpes....never quite fcuk hoff!!!
at the moment my hair is dark browny chestnutty sorta colour ish :rofl:

its realy long like in the middle of my back sort of length but shorter layers round the top and front, ive got a natural wave in it anyway but at the mo its like this coz it hides the grey hairs and the roots lol oh and the split ends, just dont have the time and keep forgetting to book in for a chop.

i love your hair at the mo tc, love the length but dont think ive got the bottle to actualy go that short???

thinking fringe or not? wana go lighter with the colour but nowt high maintenance or owt that needs doing every 3 weeks:cops:


Active member
Sep 2, 2003
Dysfunction Junction
i love your hair at the mo tc, love the length but dont think ive got the bottle to actualy go that short???

bleedin hell, not you too, was saying the same stuff to lottie before she finally had hers done

suppose i'm lucky though, my hair grows ridiculously fast anyway so if i ever feel ive gone too short it will soon enough be remedied :thumbsup:

I kinda like going for drastic changes sometimes, its a bit of a buzz :thumbsup:

you could do it in stages? less of a shock?

generally though I tend to think..ahh fook it, whats the worst that can happen? it grows back! :thumbsup:

i reckon it'd suit you :thumbsup:
and if youre not keen just keep it tied back til its grown?


Active member
Sep 2, 2003
Dysfunction Junction
i think she would look rather fetching in a burberry cap :D

i am here-sort of. not had time to reply properly to this thread. ive been camping in sherwood forest (with mum and rob) and moving etc.... and ive had no phone (its somewhere in the world-didnt bring it with to camping coz its got no battery-and i dont know where my charger is from the move)

We've managed to blag a night at robs old house (yes-an actual building-four walls roof etc and a SHOWER)...thats why im online...mums not set up her computer at her house n only has a stupid netbook thing...

anyway-i will reply to this when im home and sober (been to the pub tonight-well funny)


ps-im not gonna change my hair again-ive just about managed to get it back to the way i like it...nearly. just want some new clothes really-thinking more a classic style really...but fk knows...lol


Miss C

New member
May 18, 2003
New York
i am here-sort of. not had time to reply properly to this thread. ive been camping in sherwood forest (with mum and rob) and moving etc.... and ive had no phone (its somewhere in the world-didnt bring it with to camping coz its got no battery-and i dont know where my charger is from the move)

We've managed to blag a night at robs old house (yes-an actual building-four walls roof etc and a SHOWER)...thats why im online...mums not set up her computer at her house n only has a stupid netbook thing...

anyway-i will reply to this when im home and sober (been to the pub tonight-well funny)


ps-im not gonna change my hair again-ive just about managed to get it back to the way i like it...nearly. just want some new clothes really-thinking more a classic style really...but fk knows...lol


You've always been gash at phones! I remember when I met you and you were like the only person in the world I knew that didn't have one hehe.

Yeah I was wondering where you would go with the hair as its looking good!

Yeah its nice ignoring the world 4 a while, facebook in partcular!

Enjoy camping!! I'm going soon too haha, in the mountains :)