Dj Ste Williams 1988 - 1991 for those that missed the interview

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Sep 9, 2002
Was Manchestoh, Now Yorkshire
Man Alive said:
Track 23 is the Got You on My Mind - Greg Lee one, Mr Me mentioned, I think.

Now, must have a look at Tune ID. Not bothered with ID'ing much previously. My memory isn't what it was, but emptied an old bag of tapes on the floor to find out a couple of them, and stumbled across tunes I hadn't heard for years in the process - i think I can see the attraction :)

Oh, by the way - in the process of looking for those ID's, came across some great tapes that I can post to you (technodinosaur that I am, I haven't got out linked to my PC and don't even have a double tape player anymore!)

Got in front of me, Stu Allan, The House Hour, 10/9/89, 3/12/89 & 10/12/89.

Plenty more similar - can send you a goody bag if you want (would want them back at some stage, though, to play to my grandchildren, lol :) )

It gets addictive mate, seriously. About 2 1/2 yrs ago I needed to find out the names of some old tunes on an old Sasha tape and Ive been here ever since :$ Beats working tho :D...

Ive hundreds of old tapes in the garage that need converting at some point as well :rolleyes: but at least youve wrote down the date etc, I never did that, and I edited out all the voices...what an idiot. Better off doing it when Ive sorted out a new PC so I can convert em straight away :thumbsup:

Rather than posting them fella, I'll pop over, or meet up in town for a beer, or you n Judith can come over to Preston for a night out if you want (its a bit