closing down.........everything must go

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its with much regret im NOT re-newing the lease on my record shop with the new owners ! therefore im CLOSING DOWN in the retro-trax sale starts this FRIDAY ill be open every weekend FRI/SAT only ,until the end of OCT....So ALL RECORDS will be just 50p each or 3 for £1.00........

i shall still be selling online as i have for the last 12 years so im still buying collections.....if anyone has anything to bring in store please do so before i close:)


New member
Feb 6, 2004
Sorry to hear that mate. I never visited, but then I'm quite a way away. Is it down to slow business or you not too happy with the new owners if you don't mind me asking?

good luck with the continuing online stuff though :thumbsup:
Sorry to hear that mate. I never visited, but then I'm quite a way away. Is it down to slow business or you not too happy with the new owners if you don't mind me asking?

good luck with the continuing online stuff though :thumbsup:

its a combination of things work related & personal & slight financial gain

the main one is we are moving away from the area and im not arsed commuting almost 2 hours round trip as i dont drive , its been handy just having a nice 10 min stroll to work down the promenade each day,

plus lisa will be working full time earning boss money ,so i can spend more time with daisy :love: & do my mail order/run my club events online promotion from home :D so we will save a fortune in childcare...

as for the financial side ,the only costs i wont get back are for the racks/carpet/paint and other fitting out ect which was a only a few hundred quid, the shop made good money tbh as my rent was only 65 quid a week , with all bills insurance elecy , phone internet , lecky , water ,business rates i had to do £96 a week to break even , which i could easy do in a day or 2 , even my accountant said its rare for a new small business to make a profit in yr1 , espech in the middle of the worst rescesion in a generation but i did so job well done:thumbsup:

ill defo miss it as its been my 2nd home for so long now ,but ive been selling records for around 20yrs now , had 3 shops + been doing online sales for almost 12 yrs now so they will just continue as normal:)

like i said im still ALWAYS buying collections late 80s early 90s mostly so anyone selling up get in touch...:wave:


Active member
Mar 21, 2005
Shame you're closing down Ian, but as you say you've got good reason to.

I still haven't made it over there either:|
If its profitable couldnt you sell it incl. all stock fixtures n fittings Ian?

No , im not selling the RETRO-TRAX brand as i put on nights with same name , i have other plans too inc more selling online ...

the shop (which i lease) is just a part of that business , but if you or anyone else wants to buy the racks or listening posts then im open to offers , as ive no use for them after NOV 1st:D


Active member
May 29, 2007
No , im not selling the RETRO-TRAX brand as i put on nights with same name , i have other plans too inc more selling online ...

the shop (which i lease) is just a part of that business , but if you or anyone else wants to buy the racks or listening posts then im open to offers , as ive no use for them after NOV 1st:D

lol thanks mate - ill ask about for you. Just seems a bit weird closing a profitable business... :confused: