Back To The Old Pool 10th Nov

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New member
Aug 3, 2004
First of all a massive thankyou to everyone who organized this event and took part. Be lost without you guys puttin together nights like rocked my socks off,you pulled a blinder :thumbsup: bin grinnin from ear to ear since,, Cheers guys :thumbsup: Big shouts to everyone,mint night full of friendly faces,warm welcomes and a buzzin atmpsphere.
Met loads of new people to im shit with names but all of you look forward to seeing you again in the future. :D
Special thanks to nics and mesh ( lovley to meet u hun) for getting us there with directions, think id still be on a motorway somwhere otherwise :| :mad:
Last but by far not least thanks to manc for a top night :love:

bring on the next one ;) see you all soon x

Thanks again for a wicked night :thumbsup: :D :love:

Mr Radish

Staff member
Mar 27, 2007
Movin' on up.
Well I'm going to keep this short(ish), which is not like me at all!

Ian, well done for your part in pulling the night together. Really sorry we did not meet (I think??).

To all the familiar faces from OSA, I love you all so you will forgive me if I cannot be bothered to name everyone like some mad memory test!!!

However, a few mentions at my disgression I think.

The Crooner in Ma Edgertons. . .first class caberet, but no chicken and chips in a basket!

Apologies to Say Say for missing your set mate, I'll take what's coming!

Silky, great to see my Channel Island Bro, good effort and nice chin wag mate.

Cutter, not met you before either and I'm still to get what all the bloody fuss is about?? Only joshing mate. . . .it was a joke!:p

My mate Jon, Tom and Kate. . . .my travelling mashupburys!

The Mystical MissTickle (ah I get it now. . . it's a play on words isn't it!), loving you mate:love: and yes I did hear you before I saw you.;)

Tag, a more happy lad you could not wish to meet, well done you! (was that patronising?)

No.72. . . .nice to meet you Damo lad. You're totally bonkers!

And to Kelly? The lovely young lass who gave me a Lollipop. As I said at the time your hair was beautiful and no way would you have known it incoporated a hair piece, but thanks for your honesty!

Some of the DJ's were a bit poor (others were ace) as mentioned by others.
The sound system in the second bar was not great (I think Ian apologised for this in an earlier post) and The Dj's were facing a wall something that only struck me properly when someone else mentioned it today?? Last tune was Mental Cube -Q which was ace for the 3 of us left!

Oh yes. . . ban chewing gum . . . I'm still pulling it off my arse!

For me the event was not about the venue, the PA or the DJ's. . . . . .It was about the people, lot's of top, friendly people. They made it for me 100% and were a real credit to themselves and each other.

Word to your mother!:cool:
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Active member
Jun 5, 2003
Had a brilliant night - Ce Ce Rogers was amazing - That was the best vocal performance i have seen since i saw Darryl Pandy and Connie Lush do a duet in Liverpool in 92.
Thanks to everyone who came to the night :thumbsup:
Cheers to Ian and everyone involved to make it a success :cool:
Was great meeting up with everyone again and meeting some new faces.


Active member
well what can i say thats not already been said :king: Full credit to Ian & 3beat for pulling off a monster event:thumbsup: The crowd were top, everyone well up for it and it was really good to see all the old hazy faces again :king:
I wont run thru everyones names as there was loooooads out and i might forget someone:$ but it was as always a pleasure to be surrounded by top likeminded oldskoolers:cool:

I didnt see many sets downstairs as i was busy saying hello to everyone early on but i did catch traysay who was again spot on :thumbsup: I did catch someone playing frankie knuckles your love downstairs when i went for a wee tho:cool:

Upstairs i thought Pezz was spot on! Best dj i saw on the nite imo, quality tunes and slick mixing:thumbsup: Mike Knowlers mixing was particularly bad even by his standards, but as always had the crowd going mental:head: I did have to stop dancing for a wee moment when i heard Jinny though! ;) Posca where were you :p

Ce Ce Rogers was fooking ace:king: Ive got a few vids on my phone i will get round to upping but the sounds a bit loud so they might need a bit of tinkerage...

MJ was good, played a few tunes that we're a bit funky for me but Joe Smooth, Frankie Knuckles et al soon put me right:king:

All in all, I had a fookin belter :head: thanks to ace company, great tunes and a very generous mart driving out of his way to drop us off.. Massive fan Q mate youre a star! and at least i could direct properly this time ;) :fekked: lol

see you's at the next un:thumbsup:


Active member
Apr 1, 2003
started saturday night by getting these two mixed up when i was getting ready...

anyway, neet got me there driving like a suicidal maniac. She got us lost umpteen times and the directions Mesh gave her read like Einstiens notes on the theory of everything, all numbers and letters i felt like Carol Vorderman by the time we got to Scouseland. Thank fuck i was there to smooth things out:ba: nice one nics:thumbsup:

Scousers. I had to rethink a few unfounded preconceptions about this lot, never been Liverpool b4 during the night but i found them to be friendly, responsive and intelligent:thumbsup:

Original Scouse material: Dave, brother of Mesh... Geezer, 'proper boss' haha:thumbsup:

thanx to Woody for trying to help us out on the :fekked: front, and also thanx to 4 people who said some really nice things to me last sat:love: :love: i had a rite big head:king:

i thought the venue was wicked, main room was like the m/cr academyphones:

music was lovely:cool:

i think i said "aww shit sorry, dont mind me a rite fookin mong sometimes" at least 20 times:$

i dunno what else to say that hasnt already been said...

my tune of the night - awesome 3 - hard upphones: :thumbsup:

loved meeting everyone:D

Neet, ur a star:love: :love: :love: and im impressed with ikontraband:cool: :cool:

CANO ...

Active member
VIP Gold Member
Jan 16, 2004
Enjoyed the night , nice one ian & co for making it happen :king:

Tracy :love: i thought you were ace and coped really well with having no monitor for a while .. Enjoyed lisa (mouse) set too , nice follow on from tracy :king:

Cece's performance is the best ive ever seen .. One word AWESOME :cool: I was on sweet fa and still had rushes up my back :king:

I really enjoyed marshalls set , good selection of newer and older stuff i thought it worked really well and he played the tune of the night for me , thanks to manc (ian) for the id , best tune ive heard in a long time \o/

At the end of the night i was flicking between steve proctor and pluto , damm that was hard work :axe: But well worth it .. 2 top quality djs :thumbsup:

Few tunes that stood out for me were tuff little unit - join the future , rickster - night moves , r tyme - r theme , paul rutherford - get real , tc 1991 - berry , nu grooves vol 1 ..

Great to see the usual suspects out (and some i aint seen for a while) :wave: and always good to meet new people :wave:
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Oct 10, 2007
right its was a good night to start of with meeting tag warren finni tk tony duke nics and cant think who else we all had a good drink to start with in baa bar then a load of us made our way to the club then got inside met a few good mates from the quad renunions mick kenga jonny and then met say say cano miss tickle who i forgot to buy a bevy for and damo what a sound lad mike rocked upstairs like he no's how ce ce rogers was boss then went down stairs fto catch ste parry who is a very good dj then andy carroll what can i say played some belting track and one of my fave's chris coco love is in the air well hope we all ahve a good meet up again:thumbsup:
wicked nite

hi all sorry for such a late review but im just getting over a viral infection just in time for the weekend ;)
was really great to see so many out of towners coming for the back to the oldpool nite in liverpool :love:
theres too many of u to name but it was an amazing nite and im glad we were all able to share it - thats what oldskool is about :D
as everyone has already said the crowd were soooooooooo friendly and all i could see was many smiley happy faces :thumbsup:
ce ce rogers live pa was amazing ive never seen a better live pa in my opinion and he had the room rocking nearly brought tears to my eyes seeing everyone holding hands as he was singing - hats off to all the djs that played that nite especially pluto pez steve proctor say say mouse ste parry sorry but i never seen the rest as i was a bit mangled :fekked: :fekked:
i know ian puts his heart and soul into the nights he does and tries to get it right each time but going by the glowing reports u all loved it - shout out to everyone from here and pr that made the nite as special as it was
shout out to all the crazy people that came back to mine and ps dannster sorry for kidnapping u ;)
wonder what ian has up his sleeve for next year ;)
and a big big thank u to ian :love: :love: :love: just for being u;)


New member
Nov 11, 2007
(lol @ the reminicing @ the near death experience on route to the quad allnighter all them years ago:cops: )
yeah kev what a night. all stitched up & ready to party by 4.30. still got the scars to prove it. pm me with your number lad. top man!;)
PS was the night recorded ? :p :D

no non of the sets was recorded :( , never got this one filmed either , but did get some great proffesional photos off mark mcnulty :) hes putting them together for us as we speak ill post the link up when its all formatted ,

also should be a great feature on the event going in Jan 08 DJ MAG :thumbsup:

PS line up for march BTTOP ;) coming v/soon:cool:


Jun 9, 2004
March 2008 BTTOP line up so far incs F.P.I. PROJECT LIVE + dr ALEX PATTERSON (THE ORB) , DJ WELLY , PLUTO , and many more......phones:

FPI PROJECT Live P.A. / Alex Patterson (ORB) @ BTTOP Sat 1st March 2008 - PirateRevival


This has propper made my night m8, loved the last gig, cant wait for this one. It'll be ace seeing fpi project live, hope they do feel it on the night, one of my all time fav tunes.

It'll also be great if welly does some pleasuredrome classics:D :thumbsup:

When do tickets go on sale Ian?


Active member
Apr 11, 2006
ooohh yes ill be up for this espech after the last one:cool: would love to hear going back to my roots live. it was played at my 1st warehouse party and stuck in my ears for days:love:


Active member
Jun 5, 2003
Nice 1 ian - bloody ell FPI Project live :eek:

I played with Alex Patterson in 94 (still got the flyer lol) - His set was amazing - Very eclectic :)

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Can't wait :cops:


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