Antidepressants advice!!!

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VIP Silver Member
Jul 5, 2007
Right, ive put off taking these for ages and ages but now i think that its time that i start taking the docs advice and start to take em.

Has anyone got any advice for me, good or bad....ive always been so against taking them for some reason but i think that its a last resort and i need to get myself sorted once and for all.

Thanks in advance :)
Crush 'em up & snort 'em :)

Only joking.... I have an inherent dislike & mistrust of antidepressants... depression is not a bad thing... it is there for a reason... & is normally a symptom of an underlying issue... when you give up your own emotions & feelings to a tablet it's wrong in my opinion... numbness is never an answer.

My bad times as well as my good times have shaped the person I am.

That said each person is different... hope you get what you need from them Michie :love: xxx

Sheikh Yerbouti

New member
Jan 4, 2008
Some**** Somewhere in Summertime
Interesting comments Mr Shooms, which I wholeheartedly agree with.

Really interesting topic this.

i have the same reservations as you about anti-depressants, because it's so easy to 'use them' to mask an issue rather than facing and resolving it, like you said.

The only counter-argument is that however you paint it, being depressed is a shit way to spend your time. Life passes you by carrying chances and luck and opportunities along with it.

It's certainly possible to deal with depression & come out the other side a stronger & better person without any assistance whatsoever drugs or otherwise, but you have to factor in the time that process takes, along with the damage you can do to friendships and relationships with loved ones along the way.

In the right circumstances, and used in the right way, I'd say anti-depressants are fucking brilliant. As with everything though, they are not a one size fits all solution. Every person & situation is different.

Echo your sentiments though. Michie, I hope you get what you want from them. I'm sure I speak for everyone here in wishing you the very best & hoping you'll be flushing them down the bog & facing the world with happiness & inner peace all of your own making in no time :thumbsup:

li'l Sonz

New member
Apr 27, 2005
I am quite dubious of anti depressants too, BUT.... the way I see it is. Sometimes when you are depressed and you're in the blackest of black holes and feel theres no way out and you kind of loose your way they can help in so much as they make you start feeling better and then, in turn, that helps you feel able to face whatever is going on when you've not been able to before!

Like Michie says, she's put off taking these for as long as possible and this is a kind of last resort. She has a family etc and so wanting to get better is of the upmost importance, ur willing to try anything aren't you!! :)

A close friend of mine suffers from depression and she's just gone on tablets (not wanting to either but again, wanting to pull herself out of this at long last!) and I'll ask her and let you know how she gets on if you like!?

Anyways, if you need owt, just ask! :)



Active member
Mar 21, 2005
I've had long spells of depression myself over the past few months and sometimes you feel like you're going nowhere but just try to put on a brave face. It isn't easy, especially when you don't even feel like talking about it to anyone, but talking about it with a good friend definitely helps and getting out with your friends helps too:thumbsup: I do feel lucky that I had a good mate to talk to when things seemed out of hand though and hopefully you have a good friend like that too.

I didn't go to the doctor (typical man) and I take all medicines as a last resort, but I guess if you feel you can't bring yourself out of your depression then you've gotta go with the doctors advice. I do think that masking the problem isn't necessarily the best way to go though as shooms so eloquently put it.

Hope you get past your depression soon Michie and if you wanna talk mate, i'm only a pm away:thumbsup: :)


New member
Sep 28, 2006
Crush 'em up & snort 'em :)

Only joking.... I have an inherent dislike & mistrust of antidepressants... depression is not a bad thing... it is there for a reason... & is normally a symptom of an underlying issue... when you give up your own emotions & feelings to a tablet it's wrong in my opinion... numbness is never an answer.

My bad times as well as my good times have shaped the person I am.

That said each person is different... hope you get what you need from them Michie :love: xxx

iagree with u i didnt like them did not work for me infact they made me worse but like u say each person is diffrent spoke to a few ppl and they feel great after takin them


New member
May 6, 2006
iagree with u i didnt like them did not work for me infact they made me worse but like u say each person is diffrent spoke to a few ppl and they feel great after takin them

there are different types of anti-depressents, and not all suit everyone sometimes you have to change to different types of tablets to suit the type of depression you have. The tablets you were on obviously were not the correct ones for you but if your doctor had changed them the answer would probobly have been very different you would have found you felt better instead of worse.


New member
Sep 28, 2006
there are different types of anti-depressents, and not all suit everyone sometimes you have to change to different types of tablets to suit the type of depression you have. The tablets you were on obviously were not the correct ones for you but if your doctor had changed them the answer would probobly have been very different you would have found you felt better instead of worse.

tried about 8 diffrent types sufferd for yrs with panic and depression im getting there now at last well i just take st johns wort i have to laff tho at my bad times now used to have the ambulance here quite a few times feel stupid now

Presuming Ed

Active member
The thing about antidepressants like prozac is that for about 2 weeks after starting to take them they make you feel very anxious, just as your body becomes used to them. This tends to be why alot of people stop takling them as they feel they are making them worse rather than better, but if you stick with them they do help. You can also try natural remedies like St John's Wort, but you mustn't take them in conjunction with prescribed anti-depressants. hope you get sorted and are feeling better soon Michie. Ed

Presuming Ed

Active member
when you give up your own emotions & feelings to a tablet it's wrong in my opinion... numbness is never an answer

I don't agree with that personally...they don't change the person you are emotionally, they just give you the ability to cope during often distressing periods. Depression is an illness of the mind, same as you could have an illness of the stomach, so why take medicine for one and not the other?


Active member
May 29, 2007
Crush 'em up & snort 'em :)

Only joking.... I have an inherent dislike & mistrust of antidepressants... depression is not a bad thing... it is there for a reason... & is normally a symptom of an underlying issue... when you give up your own emotions & feelings to a tablet it's wrong in my opinion... numbness is never an answer.

My bad times as well as my good times have shaped the person I am.

That said each person is different... hope you get what you need from them Michie :love: xxx

good advice this michie... i think its good to expereince both good and bad emotions and things are never really as bad as they seem during the dark times. Hold in there Michs.. make sure you get yourself a few good nights sleep and keep things in perspective. Personally, id never go down the pharms route. If you need any advice just shout me.:thumbsup:


New member
Sep 14, 2007
I don't agree with that personally...they don't change the person you are emotionally, they just give you the ability to cope during often distressing periods. Depression is an illness of the mind, same as you could have an illness of the stomach, so why take medicine for one and not the other?

Yeah I agree with that. I think Shooms and Sheikh both made some really valid points but there seems to be a stigma around taking medicine for mental illnesses such as depression. I guess what it comes down to is what works for you, if taking medication helps you get through some bad times and helps you see more clearly to be able to work stuff out then I'd say that's defo a good thing. The only thing to remember is that medication only helps it doesn't give you a solution.

Unfortunately there's no quick fix for depression but I'm sorry to hear you're not doing so good and hope you get back on track soon :D
I don't agree with that personally...they don't change the person you are emotionally, they just give you the ability to cope during often distressing periods. Depression is an illness of the mind, same as you could have an illness of the stomach, so why take medicine for one and not the other?

Yeah I agree with that. I think Shooms and Sheikh both made some really valid points but there seems to be a stigma around taking medicine for mental illnesses such as depression. I guess what it comes down to is what works for you, if taking medication helps you get through some bad times and helps you see more clearly to be able to work stuff out then I'd say that's defo a good thing. The only thing to remember is that medication only helps it doesn't give you a solution.

Luckily never had to take medication like this so I guess I am giving an uninformed opinion... but am going on an impression that drugs like these 'numb' or distance you from the reality of the underlying issue...

I say we should go back to Californian therapy circa 1985 & use MDMA as a soother to talk through problems :)

Again - thoughts & best wishes to you Michie :) x


New member
May 6, 2008
sunny newquay (ish)
hello love. do whartever is right for you. i took antidepressants for almost ten years. and felt 100% better for it. in the darkest depths they gave me the kick up the arse i needed to sort myself out, and the ability to really think about what my problems were rather than just wallow in the misery caused by them.
It is true they dont suit everyone, but neither does asprin.
There is no problem stopping or changing if they dont suit, and as long as you have a doctor that understands you, this should be done quickly with no fuss.
There will always be a stigma attached to illness in your head, but as it affects most of us at one point in our lives, peoplke r just being close minded and quite frankly can just fuck off. do what you feel is right for you. only you know what that is...not everyone else.
hope that helpsm, and good luck!:wave:

Presuming Ed

Active member
hello love. do whartever is right for you. i took antidepressants for almost ten years. and felt 100% better for it. in the darkest depths they gave me the kick up the arse i needed to sort myself out, and the ability to really think about what my problems were rather than just wallow in the misery caused by them.
It is true they dont suit everyone, but neither does asprin.
There is no problem stopping or changing if they dont suit, and as long as you have a doctor that understands you, this should be done quickly with no fuss.
There will always be a stigma attached to illness in your head, but as it affects most of us at one point in our lives, peoplke r just being close minded and quite frankly can just fuck off. do what you feel is right for you. only you know what that is...not everyone else.
hope that helpsm, and good luck!:wave:

Well said Helen! At the risk of sounding do have to have been there to understand


New member
Apr 24, 2006
where ever i lay my hat ( straw one )
Well said Helen! At the risk of sounding do have to have been there to understand

Doesn't sound arrogant at all :) every one gets down for whatever reason , unfortunatly for some that turns into depression and no one but the person going threw it knows hows it feels , the main thing is getting help wether its turning to excercise , meditation , therapy or pills the only thing matters is you address the problem and get the help that suits you best . :)


Active member
Sep 2, 2003
Dysfunction Junction
Right, ive put off taking these for ages and ages but now i think that its time that i start taking the docs advice and start to take em.

Has anyone got any advice for me, good or bad....ive always been so against taking them for some reason but i think that its a last resort and i need to get myself sorted once and for all.

Thanks in advance :)

Michie, my line of work is Pharmaceuticals, so if you want any help with questions about your medication then you're welcome to drop me a PM :thumbsup:
Hope things work out ok for you :)