account passwords

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New member
very weird i use teh new style forum

and when i log on my default should be teh new style just recently tho when ive logged on its been teh oldstyle forum which has never happened b4

so i suspect someone has been in my account with me pass

anyway ive changed the pass again

so if anyone has been in my account

your a C**T

Northern Star

Staff member
May 10, 2004
On Cloud 9!!!
Think u could be jumpin the gun a bit hun! in ur own words these machines can be a bit temperamental and anyway who u been giving ur password too in the 1st place...thats a bit silly eh! :naughty:

u sure u havnt been messin bout wi it cus its easy to forget when ur on the run and busy! :thumbsup:


New member
Northern Star said:
Think u could be jumpin the gun a bit hun! in ur own words these machines can be a bit temperamental and anyway who u been giving ur password too in the 1st place...thats a bit silly eh! :naughty:

u sure u havnt been messin bout wi it cus its easy to forget when ur on the run and busy! :thumbsup:

gime some credit please
might jus be a bug coz i dont chaneg teh view format and certainly didnt this morning whne i left fopr college when i logged out

i was just a little puzzled as to why teh change when it aint happened b4

so i preempted a lil and said what i said incase thats what had happened


Northern Star

Staff member
May 10, 2004
On Cloud 9!!!
Well i didnt think u would hand yer password out which is y i tried to make a point of not jumping the gun....its not good 2 accuse peeps hun....makes every1 feel awkward including myself........x :love:
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New member
yes cam i know u need to change teh format to view bmp files
but i was using teh new style at home and at college after the event
plus the comp im using at college was reinstalled yesterday when i wasnt here so there were no old cookies on teh comp

plus i allways log out at college
so i logged in today afresh

plus i changed back to the new style after i viewed the bmp last week and logged in and out too and didnt do it then
so its got bugger all to do with that :naughty:

its obviously a bug coz ive logged in and out today after making sure it was set to new style and its reset to old style when ive logged in :p

so no im not tripping cam

i apologise for swearing oin teh post coz i was puzzled as to why it was doing it