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    wiindows xp question

    :) when you but a computer with with windows installed on it has a serial code already typed in, i ask you if it's possible to find and see that serial code? or does one need a program to to find it? john
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    Which pants?

    This poll question is for the males only! Which pants do you wear? john
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    what's your favourite fruit?

    :D It comes in all shapes and sizes, and for me nectarine pinches top spot away from lychee and kiwi! what's your favourite?
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    Hello OSA'ers

    :wave: I first found this site a while ago on the pc's in the local library, I was listning to this music from about 1992 and then attended a couple of places from 94, Ark was one and a place in ibiza was another, you my say only a few times i had the chance to experience the club atmosphere...
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    New to Windows, help

    :D I have a couple of questions! Do you know if my current firewall is any good, it's the windows built in one? Do you know if my antivirus is worth holding onto, it's called Avira personal edition classic and is free from the net? thanks for your time... john