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  1. M

    Who to vote for?!

    On this occasion, I really don't know who to vote for! If you don't mind sharing this information, who are you going to vote for in the general election, and why? The most important issues to me, aside from the economy, are immigration and healthcare...
  2. M

    Is the age of reality TV coming to an end?

    Discuss..... Its a question on a job application form i'm filling out... they just want a 300 word think piece on this one, and since you guys always have an opinion on reality TV I thought i'd see what your thoughts are! :)
  3. M

    Sonya had landed in NYC WAHAYY!

    She's at Grand Central now getting a cab to my work... how excited am I! :heart: :D :cool: :D :heart: Her flight was delayed 3 hours 'cos someone took a massive dumparella on the flight before and they had to clean out the toilets..:eyebrow: :thumbsup:
  4. M

    Living with scrooge

    So one of the girls I live with has issues. She complains in an aggressive manner if anyone has the heating on, has a light on uneccessarily, or has the tv on when they're not directly watching it. Its literally freezing outside. I'm cold and unless she's out we live pretty much in the dark on...
  5. M

    Rainbow Rob - AKA LEGEND!!!!

    I know you only lurk on here and never post so I won't hold my breath for a response but, THANKYOU FOR THE RAINBOW-GALAXY BAR!!!!!!!!! I NEARLY WEE'D WITH HAPPINESS :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D Absolute LEGEND!!!!!!!!!! XXXXXXXXX
  6. M

    Can you help who you fall in love with?

    Can you help who you fall in love with? Part of me can't stand falling in love just because it leaves me completely at the mercy of the other person.. I try to keep some direction on my feelings thesedays, knowing i'm getting older I don't want to be stuck in anything long term with someone...
  7. M

    Tell me a random fact about yourself...

    more than one if you want. I'll start... I got hit by a car when I was 15 in a hit and run. Next!
  8. M


    The topic came up in class the other day and got me wondering... In the UK/US/The Western World is it still really just gay men/needle sharing drug addicts that have this infection? Lots of people were saying that.. I don't 'know' of anyone thats got it, i've heard rumours about a couple of...
  9. M

    Best city in the world to visit?

    What is it? OSA..
  10. M

    Party games?!!!

    Ideas quick!!! Like drinking games - and funny party games that don't require much equipment lol.
  11. M

    Dad's 60th birthday - Think BIG gift

    What gift is POSSIBLY good enough, big enough, special enough? I have a few personal gift ideas under my belt and I know at least some of what I give him has to come from the heart, but I need some serious gift ideas :) - he can have more than one thing obviously lol.. Has anyone done anything...
  12. M

    FAO Lozzie!!

    So.... whats this new look you're feeling coming on?? (as announced on the old book of faces) Hehe sorry to post on here, its just a good place for this sort of chat :) :D And i'm also bored an confuzzed in the look department. But what look is a good look?!!! What is lozzie feeling?!! I'm...
  13. M

    I'm angry today

    Lol just generally having an angry day! GRRRR! YEAH YOU! :P :ba:
  14. M

    Having Babies?

    Does it/ has it changed you as a person? I mean, does it really change your outlook on life completely? Two of my best friends have had babies recently and I can certainly say for one of them, she is a wholly different person. Absolutely nothing else but her daughter matters to her now and for...
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    I know we had this discussion ages ago but... Seeing the celebrations for 4th July in New York, and the Memorial Day parades in D.C. etc, seeing how much Americans really support and celebrate their nationality and their country and its history and everything it stands for is quite moving...
  16. M

    What is your idea of paradise?

    Just a random one I thought i'd throw out there. If you've ever done a relaxation excercise and been told to close your eyes and take yourself off to that place... Where/what is it? If you don't mind sharing it. I have two. One is like a waterfall pool the middle of loads of...
  17. M

    Las Vegas!!!

    Soooo I just booked this for my 23rd birthday...this August...8 of us girls flying out together from New Yoyk for 3 nights...staying at Caesers Palace Hotel (OMFG it is unbelievable haha) And I was wondering if anybody had been and could share their experiences/ or tell me about where is good...
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    What should I call my...

    Fish?!! A Siamese fighting fish... (a betta fish). (yes yes I know butty knows lots about fish.) I'm not gonna lie i'm getting one for novelty value because they're easy to keep and they look seriously pretty and I miss my cat terribly. But what do I call it?!!!! Name suggestions pleeease...
  19. M

    Guess what I did on saturday...

    Twatted Wall Street bankers with a pillow!! On their own turf hehe YouTube - NYC Pillow Fight 2009
  20. M

    Being Ladylike/Gentlemanly

    I'm posting this because something that has become of increasing importance to me not only as a quality (or not!) in myself but something that I find a majorly endearing quality in others. I suppose its just refinement that comes (in some!) with age (or upbringing) in both sexes, but things...