Wrestler Suicide

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betty spaghetti

New member
Nov 21, 2006
Chris Benoit! Chris Benoit! God hes been around for aaages hasnt he, he was on it when I used to watch it:$ with my lil bro...

What a nob, sorry but if hes got a problem with life and wants to end it all, fair play. Waster. Why go and kill ya kid, thats some fuct up shit :naughty:

All I can say is what a cnut that man is for killing his family (smothered his son and then strangled his wife :confused:only to take the cowards way out (imo) and hang himself with a weight apparatus) they guy obv had issues, maybe he couldnt handle the pressure of being in the limelight...dunno, it makes me feel sick, that ppl can do such things to others, spesh the close ones? why is it the loved ones that suffer.

Honestly, i cant understand it, that boy should of been his most cherished precious thing/person in the whole world...one sick fcuk


Active member
Mar 10, 2006
The posh bit of Liverpool
Not read the article.... did he climb to the top of the turn buckle & then pile drive them to death ?

Do dark, so very dark, i did hear however that he gave her a portugeuse breakfast then a boston crab, and finaly a full nelson whilst performing a 360 DDT in the style of jake the snake roberts whilst andre the giant wafted an air biscuit at him.

Just read the article, no justice when theres a wee nipper involved :mad:

very puddled

New member
Oct 16, 2006
with my family.......
just read the article in question i must say im disgusted ..........

taking your own life in my opinion is selfish , but to take your familys too
especially a child , it just disgusts me ...

if your having a psycho moment get help or fook off from your family, but to harm them it that way it is just beyond my comprehension .